Beyond Visual Line of Sight Innovation Centre (BVLOS InC) Industry Advisory Group
The BVLOS Innovation Centre (BVLOS InC) announces the members of its Industry Advisory Group.
The BVLOS Innovation Centre (BVLOS InC) announces the members of its Industry Advisory Group.
The transition from VLOS to BVLOS is complex and detailed. It’s not simply a matter of flying further, there are many additional considerations and requirements to satisfy. To receive a BVLOS approval (SFOC in Transport Canada or Waiver from the FAA), the RPAS operator must demonstrate the following…
In other BVLOS Innovation Centre articles, the three interrelated pillars of our mission were explained (here) and how they are advancing the BVLOS sector (here). The first of those pillars which starts the innovation cycle is Advancing Capability. We have already completed numerous projects and have several others ongoing that…
At the BVLOS Innovation Centre, we focus our efforts on advancing the RPAS sector toward BVLOS and their integration into non-segregated airspace. Those efforts are balanced among three interrelated elements of advancing capability, ensuring safety, and building trust (their descriptions were the focus of a separate article found here) which…