Doug Hanna

Founder & Chief Executive Officer


As the Founder and CEO, Doug has witnessed the maturation of technologies that fueled the evolution of the RPAS industry toward the rapidly emerging state we see today. In response, he has provided leadership to resolving some of the primary barriers to RPAS adoption; the founding of BVLOS InC being the latest development to serve the needs of all sector stakeholders.

Doug has more than 30 years of experience in unmanned ground & unmanned air systems as a researcher, project manager, and program manager. He conducted research in ground vehicle mobility, and successfully advocated for a more comprehensive robotics research program to better serve Defence needs which made Defence Research & Development Canada (DRDC) – Suffield the lead Centre for unmanned vehicle systems research in DND. His research team focused on next generation unmanned ground and close-air systems for military and public security operations for detecting landmines, improvised explosive devices, and weapons of mass destruction.

In 2013, he started UxS Consulting Limited UAS company to assist UAS companies meeting Transport Canada requirements for safe operations. He was instrumental across several early sector initiatives that ultimately resulted in the creation of the Foremost UAS Test Range in 2015, serving as its General Manger to this day. The Range is a Transport Canada authorized Class F restricted airspace for Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight R&D and T&E.

Doug holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University and is a founding member of the Transport Canada Drone Advisory Committee (CanaDAC).

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