About the BVLOS Innovation Centre
Who we are & what we do
Who we are
What we do
Who we are

BVLOS Innovation Centre (BVLOS InC)
BVLOS Innovation Centre (BVLOS InC) formalizes the long-standing relationship between the Foremost UAS Test Range and the technical, operational, and regulatory compliance expertise of UxS Consulting Limited. The partnership creates a cohesive set of capabilities to enable RPAS organizations achieve their BVLOS aspirations.
We are your trusted advisor. We do not compete with OEMs, manufacturers, or operators in the RPAS sector, rather, we apply our expertise and capabilities to help you succeed.
What we do
BVLOS InC’s tagline describes the three foundational pillars that represent value for users in both the commercial and defence sectors.
BVLOS InC plays a pivotal role assisting RPAS operators to transition from Visual Line of Sight operations (VLOS) to flying Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). The transition to BVLOS is no longer an aspiration but rather an imperative that allows organizations to take advantage of the significant opportunities of an RPAS sector economy – one driven by increased:
- efficiencies (tasks are completed faster, better, and more accurately),
- safety (removal of people from tedious and hazardous conditions), and
- effectiveness of service delivery (both data and goods).
Why choose us?
Standardized testing to facilitate operating approvals
Our services help RPAS organizations understand and meet the air and ground safety requirements for BVLOS.
Qualified 3rd party review
Significant portions of RPAS airworthiness needs to be proven with technical and operational testing. BVLOS InC Provides flight testing expertise, advice and the third-party review required to develop operational safety cases for approval by Regulators.
Audit gaps in technical, operational, and regulatory compliance
We participate in industry enabling activities to define standards and regulations and are able to remedy potential pitfalls for an RPAS operator.
Assist in the transition from Visual Line of Sight operations (VLOS) to flying Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)
The transition to BVLOS is no longer an aspiration but rather an imperative that allows organizations to take advantage of the significant opportunities of an RPAS sector economy.
More than 100 VLOS Special Flight Operations Certificates approved
More recently, BVLOS InC has invested significant effort in understanding how to address the rigour of the Operational Risk Assessment required of a BVLOS submission.
Match industry capabilities with potential funding
Based on our experience in RPAS technologies and a solid understanding of the evolving regulatory trends, BVLOS InC maintains a curated list of relevant projects and initiatives that would benefit the RPAS industry’s adoption and growth.
Want to know how we can help achieve BVLOS approvals for your operation?
Call us: